What makes me happy? What are Dreams?

What makes me happy and what are dreams? I decided to write this Blog entry feeling that with all that's happened, is happening in this world, we all possess a golden opportunity to make and bring about change, and one’s own dreams (I prefer this to goals) and make the world a better place.

Tarmachan Ridge in the Scottish Highlands - fell running dreaming…

Part of this process is embracing happiness and from that follows the achievement of dreams.

I’m certainly embracing being happy, whilst continually making changes, and maybe this will give some people inspiration.

We all have a prime opportunity to change our happiness outlook, whilst initiating personal change, so pursuing dreams in times of flux, and in so doing help ourselves and others to a happy, productive, and meaningful life.

Traditionally we set goals (dreams), then plan behind them. Is this too formulaic and misses a key point. Namely, are we happy? Not always. I suspect goals are set around what we think makes us happy, from a peer and societal perspective. When “doing” that which does not actually make us happy we lose the all necessary motivation and direction - it all becomes a chore.

How about actually doing what makes you happy? From this all falls into place behind you. Rather than setting a goal or dream you think is what you want and expecting it all to fit neatly into place; it is happiness driving change.

Being happy in the moment, doing what makes you happy also avoids setting unrealistic dream, and over-planning, suffering defeat, and being miserable. Why not makeit up as you go along, letting the Universe guide you?

(We can also leverage the new technology we are all now familiar with in order to do this.)

Brexit, Covid, now Ukraine

The advertising industry and others have, and were hit hard. I don’t need to go into the exact details as we are all aware of how people were affected, including businesses, and countries.

I personally believe the advertising business has ticked along. I know that found us certainly did through Covid - there was business to be had but I must admit it was sparse. I do though count myself lucky in the circumstances.

That said, I am glad to be here today and working away - over 8 years since I started the business. And I still love working with people.

But I do not necessarily think the advertising industry is ramping up, I’d say more treading water. But there is hope, there has to be.

Ukraine is something that is a proverbial “wildcard” and emotionally has impacted myself and my wife, as we sit here helpless and watch utter and unnecessary carnage. Of course it will impact the advertising industry. Why? Uncertainty and it’s effect on consumers.

Being Happy - driving change

Is this a tricky one to address, and am I stating the obvious? Maybe not.

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be” Abraham Lincoln

This is an important concept. We all have choices, and one of those is to choose to be happy, positive, whatever you want to call it. I constantly remind myself of this in the current climate or I would spin downward like Icarus into the sea, the sea of sadness and lethargy. And I refuse to do that. I will only no change, no development, no growth; only stasis and ennui.

I strongly suggest reading this Forbes article called Bill Gates’ 5 Secrets To Happiness Are Surprisingly Affordable

1. Ditch your 20-year-old self and talk to your future self.

2. Follow through on your commitments.

3. Give to others.

4. Do more exercise.

5. Put love first.

It is about “doing” happy, because in being happy I honestly believe the dreams and goals, plus the money naturally follow. And please note that being happy does not mean chasing money.

What of found us?

I used the Covid et al down time to look at what makes me happy in business and work, and obviously my private life. I realise that I enjoy working with people but wanted to push more into consultancy and remove the emphasis on head hunting, whilst gearing up specifically for sales and marketing consultancy or commercial director roles, which is what I am good at and love; it involves working with people which I enjoy.

Don’t get me wrong. I do enjoy senior headhunting and continue at this. In months past I’ve placed a senior marketing role across to working on a CEO role - both head hunting briefs with a twist, where I helped look at the business commercial needs, not just the brief. As of late I am about to act as a non-executive director for a couple of days a week for an up and coming agency, focusing specifically on commercial, sales, marketing. But sales initially. And I am excited, very excited.

Dreams (Goals), Change, and Businessballs

Advertising types do have a habit of over complicating things - business plans, meetings, blah, blah, blah. To be frank I do not miss it.

Keep it simple. A goal is a dream, and you plan for it. But you have to live in the moment, letting go of the past, and of what may come.

If you have struggled with Dreams (Goals), planning, or implementing change I suggest you have a look at a well established website called Businessballs.

Specifically look at:

You need to decide what you want out of your life - holistically. Don’t divide it into work and private life. Where do you want to be and when?

Planning. So you have a dream (goal)

What are plans? It is okay to plan but don’t over complicate, nor use software or other to project manage your life. You need to live in the moment as that is all that you have. And act. Don’t worry about setbacks or risk as they are part of growth. Don’t regret the past, nor close the door on it - learn from it, don’t live in it. Tomorrow is yet to come, and don’t waste time on it. A plan is simply a task with a time that you want to achieve to reach that dream - but read Businessballs for a more formulaic approach.

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