Manchester, NQ, Peeps, Metrolink Ticket Collectors, The Rozzers, Ashton.

The always ever cheerful Richard Gregory

A good day was had in unexpected cold and the slight rain of the NQ in Manchester where I met three people I had not met in a while. Only one gets a photo mention as I forgot to snap the other two. But never mind. The journey home was livened up by people being nicked off trams at Piccadilly for ticket evasion. Life is never dull in Madchester. (Oh, and I had an enjoyable few minutes perusing Fred Aldous in the NQ for gift ideas; one of which were mugs covered in hand drawn willies or boobs - depending on today’s preference.)

Anyway I refrained from purchasing the porcelain of naughtiness and made my way back to Piccadilly for a tram to Ashton and more on that.

First meeting of the day was a well overdue and colourful bitch and stitch session with Danielle Bromley who I have known for a while and someone I rate on a par as a sales and commercially led person in the business. Not to mention she’s sane, which says a lot in this game. I would like to publically mention that her offspring, in my humble opinion, have the best Mum ever. Mind you she was rolling eyeballs at needing to take a phone call from school on behalf of a sick youngster that belongs to her. Danielle dealt admirably in the moment by saying she was in Manchester, could do nothing, and if she could not contact her mother then said child was the property of school for a few hours. Proper Mothering if you ask my opinion. No Snowflakes in that family!

Joining us for the second meeting was and is the lovely, serene Mick Style avec bobble hat and I wish I had taken a photo since I can confess to never having seen Mick in a bobble hat in town and it threw Danielle and myself if honest. We had a really good natter as to his cycling recently in Spain which certainly wet my whistle and also caught up on some interesting business ideas and contacts. It was good to see him looking so well. I am glad he is thriving outside of the big network agency scene.

Last but not least was lunch with Richard Gregory at Yard & Coop on Edge Street in the NQ. Clearly home of anything as long as it is chicken.

Mind you the food was very nice as was the long overdue chat with Richard. Business and personal stuff was discussed and I also talked Richard through my moving to the Isle of Mull in a few months, whilst he told me of NY bound plans for his 50th in two weeks, of which I was jealous. He was good, is a good guy, and was on good form.

On the way back I did take some random photos around Stephenson Square and Tariff Street; it has changed, a bit.

Metrolink Ticket Collectors and The Rozzers

I am not sure if it was a slow news day on the ticket collector enforcement front for the girls and boys of Metrolink, but by heck they were mob handed with the Police at Piccadilly this lunchtime, apprehending any poor soul failing to have bought a ticket. Identified, straight to the Police, novelty hand bracelets attached, then frog marched off in full public view. It was a somewhat dystopian moment, especially as I was listening to Fahrenheit 451 on Audible on my headphones. But suppose paying the fare is only fair? (Geddit?)

I now finish off this post in Ashton’s Costa Coffee in my best bib and tucker including a rather nice Bee shirt before I head home to relax, maybe have a nap - Richard welcome to the 50’s.


Smile, because we can.


2 pictures and 2 different found us