head-hunting whilst hunting Lakeland paths.

Fell running today, walking tomorrow; and I’ll be probably be thinking about head-hunting in advertising, media, and marketing as I trot this afternoon. A lot to think on.

Today sees me heading to Eskdale Green for some running (myself) and walking with a friend (him and myself). With the running I’ll be making it up as I go along, running from Eskdale Valley to Scafell Pike hunting paths en route; and it’s made me have a think today of similarities between head-hunting and fell running; and a book I read a while back by Haruki Murakami.

Today’s fun

Hopefully today’s route, Friday 24th March, will start Eskdale Green village aiming for Scafell Pike and back, subject to weather and time. Plenty of options to cut the run short, as it will be at least 17 miles and 5.5k feet of climb. We shall see.

When running I think about lots of things and presently this will be head-hunting. My business is 9 years old and talking to senior people on both sides of the table has gone on for years and still goes on. More so now in times of UK and global uncertainty, as my contacts and I wonder as to Q2 and the remainder of 2023.

As I run the fells later today I’ll think about the people I have spoken to lately. I do at times worry for them (and me.)

head-hunting to me?

To me I have always had a “black book” of experienced contacts and consistently add to these.; not for the sake of it, but where I meet interesting and thoughtful people. And yes, there is risk in striking up a relationship with a stranger. After all people are people. I suppose that the risk of making a new contact is part of the fun and excitement.

Anyway back to the topic of my head-hunting. I meet people who are senior and experienced who seek from me career and job advice, mentoring, across to getting a new role, which could involve relocation. Speaking to people comes by way of introduction based on my credentials, meeting people, knowing people, and finding people.

I have a knack for making contacts, taking an interest in, and understanding them. I suspect this forensic and non-invasive approach comes from my “Pure-O” OCD plus having completed a Law Degree and Legal Practice Course. I fact find, but have a genuine interest in people, and trying to help them. I am fascinated by people their life stories, and believe in helping where I can. You received as you give and I have tried to follow this mantra as an adult. It is interesting that a number of people I work with I have known for years, and they trust me.

I have the same approach with business friends, again a number of which I have known for years. These contacts have business and career needs, especially when growing and maintaining businesses in the fields I’ve work in.

To finish, head-hunting for me is talking to people and realising and identifying needs. Importantly it is about taking an interest in people. I do because people fascinate me. It is about establishing the facts, but it is about empathy as people on both sides of the table are emotional creatures and this drives them. They for the most part want to be happy.

head-hunting what happens next?

Once I have established the facts, wants, and needs of people, my experience and innate ability of matching and satisfying mutual needs kicks in. (Can I also point out that I don’t just talk to people to secretly examine them. It all happens naturally.) I set the scene for putting people together where one can join or set up a role they can grow in, and develop. Whilst the person hiring or who has a commercial need has a person joining the business who can deliver for them, becoming a colleague and friend in the process.

It works with many success stories of which I am proud.

fell running and head hunting?

Well this is tomorrow’s route…

An interesting 17+ miles, with 5.5k feet of climb.

This fell run is so akin to head-hunting. It involves a destination and route there. There is pre-planning in the form of training, learning, packing your running sack, and checking the weather. Not to mention map reading.

Then there is the running. One step at a time, never giving up hope and faith of finishing.

Head-hunting is the same. It’s acting on a brief or business need as the end destination. Pre-planning is utilising years of industry knowledge and experience, coupled with research and leveraging contacts. Then there is the doing. One foot in front of the other as you contact, talk to, and qualify people with an end destination in sight.

Almost forgot about Haruki Murakami

An ace, out of world author if you have never read any of his books. The one book I can think of is below. I ain’t going to give a synopsis on it - have a look.


Choose your friends […insert as applicable…]


open for business