Where’s Wally?

Well…. Not exactly true, but it amused me indeed to think of the analogy. Suffice to say that Wally is in fact the eminent Tom Cheesewright, Applied Futurist, and long standing contact.

We caught up today in cavernous Foundation on Whitworth Street. A Metrolink tram from Ashton into the bowels of Piccadilly and then a walk to the coffee shop. Passing the beautiful old buildings that line the route, and including what were the old UMIST buildings. Which makes me think of my age.

Tom was, and is always on good form and a cheerful wind blowing into my somewhat vacant mind. Especially when food comes into play, and it was lunchtime. Always a distraction. That said I ended up having a coffee and instead ate on returning home.

It has been a while since we caught up and it was good to chat as to market and economic trends. We both tried to figure out when we might see an upturn in economic conditions, different to sentiment. Labour will get into power we agreed, and with this we will see a rise in positive sentiment amongst the population and those that consume. But this won’t manifest itself properly as an upturn for business, taking aside Christmas, until Q3 of 2025; so quite a while away.

Tom is perfectly fine, strongly supported with his speaking, consulting as a pre-eminent Futurist for leading brands, and also representing other notable public speakers.

I’ve always felt he deserved to do well because not only does he have what it takes, he took the plunge and followed his dream to success and reputation when no one knew what the heck a Futurist is. I’d always recommend him.

Please do make sure that you read up on what TC gets up to in his life; it makes for great reading. And I was quite fascinated when he mentioned he is producing and delivering a Podcast for the BBC.

Tom also runs Pomona Partners, representing a number of leading speakers. A highly recommended look for those needing expert speakers.

Tom like me enjoys reading and is an avid consumer of educational books, and recommended the following by Peter Etchells. I’m interested in a book (having read Irresistible) that talks about having a positive relationship with tech, social media, and mobiles. I’ve used one of my Audible credits for it.

The Amazon precis reads, “Professor Pete Etchells studies the way we use screens, and how they can affect us. In UNLOCKED, he delves into the real science behind the panic about our alleged device addiction and withering attention spans. Armed with the latest research, he reveals how little we have to fear, and the great deal we have to gain, by establishing a more positive relationship with our screens. That begins with asking ourselves some essential questions about how we use them.

Instead of clamouring for us to ditch our devices (before guiltily returning to the same old habits), UNLOCKED is a sustainable, realistic and vital guide to transforming our connection with technology.”


Jones and Kershaw.